Sunday, February 7, 2010

Happy 85th Birthday Mom!

My Mom's birthday was Friday, February 5th. We decide to celebrate by taking her out for dinner at the Olde Tyme Steakhause. After that, we all went back to her house for cake and ice cream. Since I enjoy making cakes for my family, I decided to make her one. It was yummy! I put 8 candles on one side and 5 on the other. Two reasons behind that...I knew she would run out of wind before getting them all blown out and I didn't want wax from 85 candles to melt all over the cake.
She received 4 flower arrangements and several cards from family and friends.

Below are pictures taken of those that could make it to the party. As usual, no picture of me, I am behind the camera.
Beulah "Birthday Girl"
Doesn't she look young for 85!!
Ashley & Jason, Erica & Mark and Bob couldn't make it due to other commitments, travel distance and the weather. We missed you!

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