Sunday, July 12, 2009

Kitchen project

Last October, when we purchased the new kitchen appliances, I also wanted to change the floor. Mike agreed, but said he wanted to wait until this summer. I really didn't know if I wanted tile or laminate flooring. However, thanks to the midnight distress call from my Mom telling me her hot water heater was leaking (and ruining) her laminate floor, it didn't take me long to decide that tile would be best.

I finally picked out the tile and Mike called the carpenter. He can't start until after mid July, which really won't be long to wait. But you know me, one project leads to another and I am now in the process of removing the wallpaper border, chair rail and repainting the walls.

Today, I removed the wallpaper border. Here is a before...
...and here is after.Keep watching for more change to come...

1 comment:

Ashley and Jason said...

Looks different already! Can't wait to see it finished...