Sunday, August 2, 2009

More pictures from the weekend

You all know how much I love taking pictures, so here are more from this weekend. Enjoy!
They only repeat what they see...hmmm...wonder who he's been watching?

Mason wanted to watch a children's You Tube video and I was trying to find it. He said, "Whats wrong Mamaw?", I responded, "I'm having a little trouble with the computer." He looked at me and said, "Check your email, maybe that fix it." OMG! He's only 3 and already offering tech support!

Mike and I were watching Mason ride his John Deere this morning. All of a sudden he ran into this pole. I don't even think he realized what had happened because he kept stomping on the power like he was trying to make it go forward. Check out the next picture when he finally figured out what was going on. Mike and I all but rolled on the ground laughing.

Doesn't she make the cutest little John Deere farm girl!

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